I hate it when I always think of a person who doesn't give a fucking damn about me. I hate it when I help a person alot they fucking backstab me. I hate it when I did everything for you. I gain nothing But shits. I hate all this. I hate it when I love someone and they give me bullshit in return. I hate everything. I knew it you never loved me in the first place. You say you did. But you did not. You can forget all the good things I did for you. And remember all the hurt I gave you? But what other girls did to you? The hurt they given you. The insult they did to you. You can forget about that? You can accept them the way they are. But mine wow. You take it like it the biggest sin in your life. And throw me like a trash. Henhao! I Don't care about what other says. Saying that your education is low. I'm going to lead a hard life. I'm going time be poor. You are not a good guy. You are bad. You are just trying to destroy my life. Trying to pull me down. I bloody put all that aside and fight for it. And all this shits is what I get in return? And now all this thing is happening. I'm the one to be blame. The one that is bad. That is destroying you life? Trying to make you like a fool. Fucking insult me and talk bad things about me on social network. Bagus. Muka korang kalau aku tak tampar tu dah cukup bagus sial. Nbcb perangai sial habis. Buto punya budak.
Lived Life To The Fullest. .
NrshzlnnEmilia (: Legally 18! College Central.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Monday, October 28, 2013
Why me?
I don't want to quit school. Why me of all. Why I have to go through this. Why? Ya Allah. Tolong la. Berat nyer ujian kau beri pada hambamu ya Allah. Aku tak kuat lagi. Kenapa banyak nyer dugaan kau berikan aku. Kau amik orang aku sayang. Kau hilangkan kepercayaan dia. Sedangkan aku ingin berbuat sesuatu demi hubungan kita. Kenapa ya allah? kenapa kau selalu beri aku ujian untuk hadapi semua nyer seorang diri. Aku tak sanggup ya allah. Aku tak sekuat seperti apa yang kau sangkakan. Aku tak kuat );
Awak sampai hati awak gini. Ye dulu memang saya selalu text awak kan. Bila anything cause it was my fault. But now. No not anymore. Saya bawak diri. Sebab saya kecewa dengan awak. Awak tak fikir pun yang saya sebenar nya hanya ingin membuat sesuatu baik untuk hubungan kita. Supaya hari jadi awak. Awak akan kembali ceria selalu. Tapi awak buat saya gini. Sampai hati awak biarkan saya lalui semua nie seorang diri padahal awak janji akan selalu dengan saya bila susah dan senang. Sampai hati awak. But still I'm waiting for your text or call. Hats.
Lepas nie. Dugaan apa lagi kau nak beri padaku ya allah.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Forever to be blame.
Ye aku je salah. Aku je anak tak guna. Yang jahat. Kurang ajar. Tak hormat orang. Tak appreciate orang. Pemalas. Semua jahat aku. Ye aku je yang tak tahu jaga perasaan orang kan. Abeh perasaan aku sape nak jaga? Ada mataer tapi mataer selalu nak gaduh. Nak cari kesalahan aku. Semua aku buat ada je salah. Tak betul dimata dia. Macam aku nie jahat sangat untuk dia. Aku nak buat baik. Pun aku salah. Pun aku nie pentingkan jantan lain dari dia. Ye semua aku. Kasih sayang aku beri aku tunjuk tak pernah dia nampak. Dia hargai.
Ye ex kau tu yang lebih kejam dari aku. Yang perangai macam sial macam pukimak. Yang tengok pangkat tu lebih bagus dari aku kan. Aku Yang sayang kau seadanya. Yang tak tengok pangkat and pelajaran semua. Yang selalu cuba nak baiki diri aku. Untuk kau orang yang aku sayang. Tetap aku semua salah. Aku tak cukup baik untuk kau ke?
Kali ini aku selalu yang sabar dengan kau. Kau marah aku. Kau pekik aku. Aku diam. Salah aku atau bukan salah aku. Aku letak tepi ego aku kali nie. Aku mintak maaf pat kau. Aku cuba baikkan hubungan kita. Aku msg kau dulu. Aku berubah perangai sial aku. Tetap aku disalahkan. Tetap kau selalu marah aku. Ada je yang tak kena pada kau. Sekarang sape yang berubah kau fikir balik cubala. Bukan aku Yang berubah kali nie. Tapi kau. Aku sayang kau dengan sepenuh hati aku. Aku buat semuanya. But kau tetap rasa aku salah. Cari kesalahan. Nak tinggalkan aku.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I Wish
I miss you alot
Hi! Yes, i know. No matter how many text i have sent you. I know you just won't reply me. Even if you already read it. Or worse still you won't even bother to read it and just ignore it. I know that. I know that and i can feel that hatred you had for me. I know how mad you are with me. I know how you feel. Cause i once been in your place. But you know, I would not want anything else from you. I just want you. I don't want your money and stuff. With full of sincere i just want you back that all. I know all this is just a dream. It won't turn back into reality anymore. It won't i guess. No matter how much I pray for Allah to open up your heart. You just won't do it though. I just want to say this. I miss you sayang. I miss everything about you. miss us. It hard for me lived like this. It hard for me to go through all this. I have been pretending that I am okay. I have been pretending to them that everything is alright that i'm strong enough to face all this. I am able to joke around, smile and laugh like nobody business. Do all of that, like i don't face any problems or doesn't have anything in my mind. Yeah maybe you are right. That i'm strong enough to face all this shits. That i can act really well and pretend that nothing has happened. Yes you are definitely right. But do you have any idea. How i always cried at night. Reflect upon what is happening in my life.
Reflect on how i am tired of everything. On how i am physically and mentally tired of everything. I am tired of trying to be perfect. Im tired of trying to please everyone but everyone does not see that. Basically I am just tired of being tired. At times i just think that i am just a burden for everyone. Everyday, i pray for forgiveness. I also pray hoping that you will forgive me. I pray that Allah gave me the strength to go trough all this. Gave me the courage to overcome all this. Everyday i woke up, i just hope it will be a good day for me. It will just turn out to be better. But no that does not happen. Yeah i know. Things doesn't always turn out to be your way. But why? It too much. He really test me too much. For an 18 year old like me! Even if i try to remind myself that "Allah bagi dugaan sedemikian sebab allah yakin dan percaya bahawa hambanya dapat menghadapinya dengan kuat dan tabah" But it really hard. There just too much for me to faced. Too much of responsibility for me to hold on to. At times I wonder where is my happiness? When will i feel that sense of happiness? Will i even get to taste that happiness? Why don't i deserve the same happiness just like any other teenagers? You know i have always wanted to meet you. But i know you wouldn't want to meet me. cause you don't want to see my face. And you think there nothing for us to talk about. I love you with all my heart no matter what has happened. I really miss you alot ... sayang really alot.
"Ya allah maafkan aku jika aku mengeluh kepada dugaan yang diberi untuk mennguji diriku ini ya allah. Berilah hambamu ini semangat, ketabahan dan kesabaran untuk menjalani semua dugaan ini ya allah. Jadikan aku manusia yang sempurna dengan akhlakmu ya allah. Tunjukkan aku jalanmu yang lurus itu ya allah. Supaya aku tak sesat ya allah. Tenangkan la hatiku ini ya allah supaya aku kuat ya allah. Bukakan la pintu hati muhd taufiq ya allah. Dan semoga dia maafkan aku ya allah. Kepadamu ku berserah dan berdoa ya allah. Kerana aku yakin kau mendengar doa hambamu ini ya allah. Amin amin ya rabbal alamin."
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Have you been there?
Muhd Taufiq, I thought you will be there for me when all of this people are pulling me down. Yes you always says that i am strong enough to handle all this. And that i must not give up half way. Yes i always remember that. But tell me how long can all this last? Tell me how long can i handle all of this? Even if i am really that strong enough like what you said, i will still break down at a point where i really could not hold it longer anymore. I just want you to know that i need you to hold me up. I need you to be there for me when all this shits is happening. Like how we once used to be. Where you always will be there for me. Through my happiness and sorrow together. Where you will always remind me that you are always there for me. That i can tell you everything. All my problems that i am facing if i want to. So i could least the pain and burden that i am holding on to all this while. How you always remind me that I am not alone that is the reason why you are here with me. Here with me ALWAYS.